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Science to Science

  • 08/07/2016: Lecture at the conference “German in Austria”

In the context of the conference “German in Austria and Other Pluricentric Contexts. Variation – Contact – Perception” (07/07/2016-09/07/2016) the project co-worker Anna Weiß talked about recent project outcomes. The titel of the paper was “Ich fand ihn eh ganz cool – Vergangenheitstempora in Freundesgesprächen Jugendlicher in Österreich“.

  • 26/05/2016-28/05/2016: 8th International Conference on Youth Language. Variation – Dynamic - Continuity

26/05/2016-28/05/2016 the 8th International Conference on Youth Language took place in Graz. The project leader and the co-workers organized the conference.

 In addition they presented several papers to give insights into the project work and outcomes. Arne Ziegler talked about „Undoing Youth - Dialect levelling and restandardisation in urban adolescent vernaculars in Austria“, Melanie Lenzhofer talked about ‘Und er so: Geh ma Kino!‘ - Phänomene syntaktischer Kompaktheit in ruraler und urbaner Jugendkommunikation Österreichs“, Georg Oberdorfer and Anna Weiß talked about „Jugendsprache(n) in Österreich – Forschungsstand und erste Ergebnisse“.

For further information about the conference click here: http://jugendsprachen-2016.uni-graz.at/en

  • 24/11/2015: Lecture at the linguistic colloquium

At the linguistic colloquium at the Institute of Linguistics the project co-workers Melanie Lenzhofer and Georg Oberdorfer gave an insight into the current work progress within their lecture titled “Jugendsprache(n) in Österreich - Arbeitsstand und erste Ergebnisse” and they discussed results with scientists of several language-related disciplines.

Information regarding the lectures at the linguistic colloquium is available at: https://sprachwissenschaft.uni-graz.at/de/forschen/linguistisches-kolloquium/

  • 28/08/2015-29/08/2015: Lectures at the IVG-congress in Shanghai

The project leader Arne Ziegler and the co-workers Anna Weiß and Georg Oberdorfer participated in the 13th congress of the “Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik” (IVG) at the Tongji University in Shanghai. The congress focused on “Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation”. On the 28th and the 29th of August 2015, Anna Weiß (title: “Jugendsprache zwischen richtig und falsch - Variation in der (standard-)normvermittelnden Instanz Schule”) and Georg Oberdorfer (title: “Möglichkeiten der Serialisierung. Pragmatik markierter Wortstellung“) gave lectures within the section “Deutsch in Bewegung“.

For further information concerning the congress-programme visit: http://www.ivg2015-tongji.com/

  • 11/06/2015: Lecture at the University of Vienna

In the context of a guest lecture titled “Jugendsprache(n) in Österreich–ein Werkstattbericht” the project leader  Arne Ziegler gave an insight into the conceptual basis and the current status of the research project at the Institute for German Studies of the University of Vienna on the 11th of June 2015.

  • 16/05/2015: Lecture at the interdisciplinary conference LiTheS

At the interdisciplinary and international conference “LiTheS - Mode - Geschmack - Distinktion” on the 16th of May 2015, the project co-workers Anna Weiß and Georg Oberdorfer gave a lecture with the title “Sprachliche Mode und Distinktion in der Kommunikation unter Jugendlichen (in Österreich)”. For further information please visit: http://lithes.uni-graz.at/veranstalt.html.

  • 01/05/2015-02/05/2015: Presentations at a doctoral workshop

At the international doctoral workshop ‘Aktuelle Forschungen zur Sprachvariation in Österreich und Deutschland’, which took place from the 1st to the 2nd of May 2015 at the University of Graz, the project co-workers Anna Weiß, Melanie Lenzhofer and Georg Oberdorfer presented the central research questions of their dissertations. Furthermore, methods and research aims of the project “Youth language(s) in Austria” have been explained and discussed.

  • 07/12/2014: Presentation at the 41st Austrian linguistic conference in Vienna

At the 41st Austrian linguistic conference (ÖLT – Österreichische Linguistiktagung), which took place from the 6th to the 8th of December 2014 in Vienna, the project co-worker Melanie Lenzhofer presented results of the research topic “Geh ma Kino – Präpositionalphrasen ohne Präposition in Osttiroler Freizeitkommunikation”. The lecture was given in the context of the workshop “Empirische Methoden der Variationslinguistik” on the 7th of December 2014.

Further information is available at: https://linguistik.univie.ac.at/oelt-2014/

  • 25/10/2014: Lecture at the international symposium of the Humboldt-Kolleg in Pisa

On the 25th of October 2014, project leader Arne Ziegler and project co-worker Anna Weiß spoke about “‘Norm’ und ‘Fehler’ vor der Folie von Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit. Variationslinguistische Perspektiven für den universitären DaF-Unterricht”. The lecture took place at the symposium of the Humboldt-Kolleg in Pisa.

For further information regarding the conference visit: http://www.fileli.unipi.it/fachtagung2014

  • 12/08/2014: Lecture at the international congress in Brisbane

Project leader Arne Ziegler and project co-worker Melanie Lenzhofer travelled to Brisbane (Australia) in order to present and discuss the project aims and contents at the international congress of AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics) on the 12th of August 2014. The topic of the conference was “One world - many languages” and the lecture of Professor Ziegler and Melanie Lenzhofer was titled “Youth language(s) in Austria in urban and rural areas”.

For further information please visit: www.aila2014.com

  • 03/04/2014: Lecture at the 7th international conference on youth language in Karlsruhe

At the 7th international conference on youth language, which took place at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Karlsruhe from the 2nd to the 5th of April 2014, Arne Ziegler and Melanie Lenzhofer gave a lecture titled “Jugendsprache(n) in Österreich - Zur Interaktion von Dia- bzw. Regiolekt und alterspräferentiellem Sprachgebrauch”. The project co-workers Anna Weiß and Georg Oberdorfer also participated in the conference.

Further information concerning the conference is available at: http://www.ph-karlsruhe.de/institute/ph/institut-fuer-deutsche-sprache-und-literatur/deutsche-sprache-und-literatur/tagungen/jugendsprachetagung-2014

  • 11/03/2014-13/03/2014: Participation in the annual conference of IDS in Mannheim

The co-workers Anna Weiß, Georg Oberdorfer and Melanie Lenzhofer and the project leader Arne Ziegler travelled to Mannheim (Germany) in order to participate in the 50th annual conference of the ‘Institut für Deutsche Sprache’ (IDS), which lasted from the 11th to the 13th of March 2014. Within the framework of this conference they had the opportunity to get in contact with colleagues from the German-speaking area as well as with international colleagues. The conference was dedicated to the subject “Sprachwissenschaft im Fokus - Positionsbestimmungen und Perspektiven”.

Detailed information is available at: http://www.ids-mannheim.de/org/tagungen/tagung2014.html

  • 02/03/2014: Presentation at the conference “Linguistic Varieties and Variation” in Berkeley

At the 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary German Studies Conference of the University of California, Berkeley, the co-workers Anna Weiß and Georg Oberdorfer presented central questions concerning the project “Youth language(s) in Austria” on the 2nd of March 2014. The conference was dedicated to the subject “Linguistic Varieties and Variation”. Anna Weiß and Georg Oberdorfer spoke about “Dialect and Variation in Youth Language(s) in Austria”.

Information concerning the conference-programme can be found at: http://events.berkeley.edu/index.php/calendar/sn/german.html?event_ID=71688&date=2014-03-01

  • 24/09/2013: Lecture at the ‘Germanistentag’ in Kiel

Within the framework of the ‘Germanistentag’ 2013 in Kiel (Germany) a co-worker gave a lecture: Melanie Lenzhofer: »Information oder Persuasion? Zum Nutzen einer sprachkritischen Auseinandersetzung mit (Pseudo-)Fachwörtern der Kosmetikwerbung im Deutschunterricht.«

Information about the conference: http://www.fachverband-deutsch.de/

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